


Mother Agency (MA): WAnt Management

Answers to Q&A

What INSPIRED you to become a model?

I remember being a little girl and going to work events with my mom, or family get-togethers. I remember everyone telling her how beautiful I was, and that she just had to get me into modeling. This is likely how the idea of modeling became stuck in my head… always in the back of my mind. When I turned 15 my older brother helped me to apply to different agencies within Toronto. My brother has always been one of my greatest inspirations/supporters. 

Although people told my mom that I “just had to get into modeling”… What inspired me to become a model was seeing these women in magazines or on the tv while I was growing up. These women were made to be “the ideal beauty standard”. To see a beautiful woman with my same skin color or with crooked teeth like mine, curly hair and long legs. These were all features that I had been picked on for having,  by my classmates throughout school. Seeing these women represent beauty with features like mine made me feel so much more confident in myself. I could see the beauty in my “weird” and “unique” features. So what inspired me is that hopefully I will be able to inspire somebody else. 

And so, a few days after we had sent out my applications a couple of zoom calls were made between myself and these agencies. Although my experience with modeling wasn't all that I had hoped for it to be in the beginning.  I still wanted to give it a chance. So I decided that I would try again when I turned 18 and I think that the universe agreed with this decision because soon after my 18th birthday, at a fashion show my best friend was walking in…  I was scouted by Sean, my now agent over at WANT management. 

What are you most excited about when it comes to modeling?

Travel. I would have to say that the idea of getting to see the world while I work is very exciting to me. I also love that I get to meet so many creative and amazing people when it comes to modeling. 

Can you share with us some advice you have for models wanting to get into the industry?

The best advice that I could give would be to have patience. Modeling isn't what a lot of people might think it is. You always have to work hard for what you want. There may come times where you're not getting as much work as you have hoped for… but if this is what you want you have to understand that patients is key in this industry.

 When it comes to applying to agencies, don't give up on yourself when you experience rejection. There is an agency out there that has been searching for your exact look. 

share a fun fact about yourself!

I have memorized the last sentence of every book I have ever read. 

I can hold my breath under water for 5 minutes… 

I am part Scottish, Irish, Trinidadian and Jamaican!



